Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A day in my life

Hi guys, I am Bhavya from mangalore. I am pursuing my post-graduation MBA in JKSHIM Nitte.  A normal day in my life usually starts with a lot of complaining from my side, mostly about having to get up. I seriously love to stay up late and to get up late.  But, it is necessary to get up early in the morning.
5:00 am: I begin my day as my alarm goes off.  Then I open my face and pray. Then I slowly get up from the bed. Then I brush my teeth, wash my face.  Then I go to kitchen and help my mom to prepare breakfast.
6:00 am: I quickly get ready to go to college.
6:30 am:  Now it’s time to go to college.  I walk for 15 minutes, and then I catch a bus. It’s journey of again 15 minutes to Surathkal junction from my house. Then I wait for Bus. Then I get into the bus. Then my journey begins to college.
8:25 am: I reach my college (JKSHIM Nitte).
8:55 am: Classes starts…
12:00 pm: It’s time to have lunch. I and my friends will go to have lunch. Either we carry or sometimes we eat canteen food. We chat, share our viewpoints, feelings, problems then we make fun.
1:00 pm-5:00 pm: After lunch again its class time. After having lunch we feel like sleeping. But we don’t do that.  Because, we have good teachers and interesting subjects.  So we do like to sit in class and listen and learn.
5:00 pm: The classes end and its back to home with all the load of assignments and home works. I get bus at 5.20pm.
7:10 pm-11:00 pm: I reach my home. Then I get shower. And then I do all my home works, assignments. Then I have dinner, and spend time with my mom, brother, and sister.
11:30 pm or 12:00 am:  I wish everyone “Good night” and I go back to my room and sleep.
Again my next day starts from 5:00 am till 12:00 am or 1:00 am

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