Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Essentials Of A Good Relationship

There are many successful relationships even if there are also some who failed. What really are the essentials of a good relationship? Allow me to share my perspectives. First, HONESTY is very important in a relationship to grow. It's never a good move to lie even if you are already offended, you will just pretend that everything is okay. When you're not honest, it can create major trust issues that could hinder the success of a relation even with your friends or even with your family. A relationship built on trust and honesty is indestructible. Second, HEALTHY COMMUNICATION is also very important. You have to be open with your partner. Every time something bothers you, find time to talk it out and then discuss it constructively with your partner. Focus on the solution of the problem rather than on the argument that it may cause. Third, COMPROMISE. Each partner should be prepared to meet half-way. There should be fairness and equality in the family. Matured people are willing to make a BARGAIN in order to have harmonious relationship because they trust that the other will do the same when it is their turn to make a compromise. Fourth, UNDERSTANDING. Coming from different family culture is very difficult to bridge when you are already together. What needs to be done is to understand that you only meet when you are already grownups. Trying to have a broad mind is also a good ingredient to have a healthy relation. Finally, the ability to create an EMOTIONAL INTIMACY. Intimacy here is not only purely physical; though sexual intimacy is also necessary for the love to grow. A simple word of thought cherish the feeling of LOVE. It makes you feel pleased, wanted and appreciated. APPRECIATION is very important in building emotional intimacy because no matter what you do, if your partner does not know how to acknowledge your achievements either small or big, that's the end of the relationship. What destroys a relationship is for the partner to always want to have the LAST TALK. What strengthens a relationship is the willingness to LISTEN. Any conflict will be settled immediately when each partner will give each other a chance to be HEARD. It is always a give and take process. It is also important to say SORRY but what matters most is the acceptance of the apology. Saying SORRY again and again without changing for the better is just like a cycle that would create a resentment; thereby destroying a relationship. This article talks about what I thought are the essentials of a successful relationship. When a relationship is only one-sided, it's very difficult to keep it.

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