Sunday, April 24, 2016

The most beautiful things in life:

The best and most beautiful things in the world are the things that we cannot see or even touch. They must be felt with the heart. If we haven't found them yet, we have to keep on looking. The most beautiful things are those things that teach us lessons to survive and move on with life. Often, we miss these things because we fail to see the beauty of simplicity. We are blinded with worldly ways and material things. It is how we live our lives to the fullest. Each day of our lives, we are given a new chance at life which make it beautiful. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we won't let the world define us based on our physical attributes but on what God meant us to be. We can transform the world beginning with our own transformation. Starting with a good conversation with our fellow and being a good listener, we can make our lives beautiful. The thought that we are able to make other people happy in easing their burdens by simply listening to them when they open up to us is already a great sense of achievement. Sometimes it is also the other way around. When we find someone who is willing to sit and take the time to talk with us, we know we have found a good friend. Good conversations teach us to make time for others, sharing moments of goodness and creating long-lasting bonds. We are becoming emphatic not selfish. A life of peace and contentment is not visible to the naked eye, however it can be deeply felt within us. It cannot be bought but achieved. Expectations often lead to disappointment, but accepting what we have right now is one way of making our lives beautiful. It's good to be responsible in making decision but it is also good to take a risk even if it will lead to a big mistake. Last but not least is love. It is the most beautiful thing in the world because it is the greatest thing that we can give to one another. Love has the power to bridge gaps and unite enemies but I think most of us know this. However, we get so caught up in shielding the finest of a good life that we failed to notice and appreciate the intangibles; the beauty of priceless possessions in life! This article is heart-warming to read because of the value of unseen things that make our lives beautiful. It makes our lives worth living for because we are not only keen to material things but most of all in those things that make us happy and contented.

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