Sunday, April 24, 2016

Time Management

Time is something that we can lose and never get back. People are always wishing they had more hours available in the day. Proper time management is something that can change our life on a fundamental basis for the better. Every daily cycle consists of a twenty-four hour period. This is one of those things that is what it is and cannot be changed. Even though we can’t control time, we can control how the time you have is used. This realization is the first step to being effective in your own time management.  Time management is important to everyone. It is the process of planning control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially in terms of increasing effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. So we have to manage time to develop our skill and thereby to reach our goal. It is how we plan our time effectively in order to accomplish certain goals or how do we spend our time on things that matter to us more. It is also how we learn to break down general tasks into specific actions or a simple tasks. Time management is setting our priorities in its proper perspective. We should learn how to distinguish between urgent and important in budgeting our workloads. In order to manage our time, we need to know how to plan, set goals, prioritize tasks, and monitor where our time actually goes. However, time management is not as easy as it seems because sometimes it is rather surprisingly difficult to practice. In fact, being busy does not always mean being effective. Sometimes people are hustling too much without achieving any output at all. The problem is on the ability to function more effectively despite tight pressures. Failing to manage time effectively can have some very unsatisfactory fallout such as inefficient work flow, poor work quality, and high stress levels. If we are able to have good time management, we can avoid unwanted consequences especially at work. Even inside our family, we can easily achieve our goals and the things that we prioritize in life. We need to identify what needs to be done. Moreover, we need to identify how we spend our time in order to improve productively. We need to find enough time for everything and use it effectively. Even if there are times that we thought that there isn't enough, time to do everything that we need to. We need to identify ways to improve our time management skills so that we can adjust our conventional behavior to reduce any time-related stress in life.  When we spend too much of our time on unimportant tasks; definitely we are not effective. In order to be effective, we need to decide what tasks are urgent and important. We can make a list of the tasks that we need to do. We need to make decisions immediately if possible. Do what we can do now and not wait for tomorrow because taking immediate action generates the motivation for further actions.

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