Sunday, April 24, 2016

Real Happiness in Life

Real happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new. It is a state of mind. If your mind is at peace, you are happy. However, even if you have everything the world can give such as pleasure, possessions, power except for the peace of mind, you can never be happy. The only way to find real happiness is to squander ourselves for a purpose. It is not based on how we appear to others or what others think about us but it is about how we feel about ourselves in our hearts. Happiness therefore is an internal state not an external condition. It is not about shallow things in life such as money, lifestyle, possessions, role or image. It is about who we are and how we feel about ourselves. True happiness describes a deep sense of inner well-being, peace and vitality that is with us most of the time in most circumstances. People who experience true happiness feel a deep sense of gratitude for simply being alive. We need to fundamentally change our way of being in the world and change the way we live our life. Even if we are suffering frustrations at the moment, it is still possible to attain happiness when we are able to utilize our full potential. In other words, genuine happiness is possible for all of us. There is no defect or deficiency in us that prevents us from being happy. Yet, there are things that make us fail to realize the sense of true happiness. We need to wake up and take responsibility of our feelings, actions and behaviors. Even if we commit mistakes, we only find real happiness if we acknowledge and learn from them. Although truth hurts but the joy is brings incomparable. We will find happiness the moment we start to see ourselves as being one with the whole world. No matter where we are and no matter what we do, no matter how we look and no matter how much or less we have. We will discover that happiness is not outside ourselves. It is our thoughts at this very moment. Sometimes we tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have. But it is more on recognizing and appreciating what we do have no matter how little it is. As a matter of fact, happiness like anything else in life, needs to be polished and nurtured. Being happy doesn't mean we're perfect. It just means we've decided to look beyond our imperfections. Real happiness is a choice because life is not always about pleasing everybody. Thus, the secret of real happiness is accepting what we are in life and making out the best of it every day.
This article is all about what it takes to have real happiness regardless of what we have or do not have in life.

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