Sunday, April 24, 2016

Losing Someone Special

Losing someone we care deeply about is very painful. The pain and sadness that we experience over our significant loss is really intense particularly if we really wanted to help but we can do nothing to alleviate his/her sufferings. Grief is a natural response to loss. It's the emotional suffering that we feel when something or someone we love is taken away. The more significant the loss, the more intense our grief especially when we loss someone with death. The bottom line is to face the fact of the loss. Feeling sad and lonely is a normal reaction to our loss. Crying doesn't have to mean that we are weak. But rather showing our true feelings can help us move on. While loss affects people in different ways, many experience the following symptoms when they're grieving. Just remember that almost anything that you experience in the early stages of grief is normal-including feeling like you're going crazy, feeling like you're having a nightmare or even doubting God's wisdom.
Shock and disbelief - Right after a loss, it can very difficult to accept what happened. We may have trouble believing that someone we love dearly has died. We are in self-denial stage. There even comes a time that we may keep expecting him or her to show up despite the fact that he or she is gone.
Sadness - We feel emptiness, despair, yearning, or deep loneliness. We also cry a lot or feel emotionally unstable.
Guilt - We may regret or feel guilty about things we are not able to do because of our helplessness. After a death, we even feel guilty for not doing something to prevent the death, even if there was nothing more we could do.
Anger - We feel angry and resentful. If we lost a loved one, we may be angry with ourselves, to God, the doctors and even those persons around who were not able to help. We feel the need to blame other people over that loss.
Fear - A significant loss can trigger a host of worries and fears. We feel anxious, helpless and even insecure. We even have panic attacks. The death of a loved one can trigger fears about our discretion in life. What would happen now that he/she is gone?
Physical symptoms - We experience fatigue, nausea, lowered immunity, weight loss or weight gain, aches and pains, and insomnia.
In my experience, I really suffered sleepless nights because of losing someone so special to me. Special in the sense that he appreciated and valued my worth as a person. He loved me unconditionally despite my status and even accepted my kids but we we're really not destined to each other because he passed away. We did not even started our relationship yet, and now he's gone. I am still hurting right now because of that loss. It is still painful because I was not able to help him during his heart attack. We're thousands of miles apart. I really wanted to help but I couldn't because of the distance. I'll just continue treasuring him in my heart and I will always remember that once in my life I met someone who loved me for what I am and not for who I am. This article would somehow help me in moving on and continue living life to the fullest despite his absence.

Real Happiness in Life

Real happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new. It is a state of mind. If your mind is at peace, you are happy. However, even if you have everything the world can give such as pleasure, possessions, power except for the peace of mind, you can never be happy. The only way to find real happiness is to squander ourselves for a purpose. It is not based on how we appear to others or what others think about us but it is about how we feel about ourselves in our hearts. Happiness therefore is an internal state not an external condition. It is not about shallow things in life such as money, lifestyle, possessions, role or image. It is about who we are and how we feel about ourselves. True happiness describes a deep sense of inner well-being, peace and vitality that is with us most of the time in most circumstances. People who experience true happiness feel a deep sense of gratitude for simply being alive. We need to fundamentally change our way of being in the world and change the way we live our life. Even if we are suffering frustrations at the moment, it is still possible to attain happiness when we are able to utilize our full potential. In other words, genuine happiness is possible for all of us. There is no defect or deficiency in us that prevents us from being happy. Yet, there are things that make us fail to realize the sense of true happiness. We need to wake up and take responsibility of our feelings, actions and behaviors. Even if we commit mistakes, we only find real happiness if we acknowledge and learn from them. Although truth hurts but the joy is brings incomparable. We will find happiness the moment we start to see ourselves as being one with the whole world. No matter where we are and no matter what we do, no matter how we look and no matter how much or less we have. We will discover that happiness is not outside ourselves. It is our thoughts at this very moment. Sometimes we tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have. But it is more on recognizing and appreciating what we do have no matter how little it is. As a matter of fact, happiness like anything else in life, needs to be polished and nurtured. Being happy doesn't mean we're perfect. It just means we've decided to look beyond our imperfections. Real happiness is a choice because life is not always about pleasing everybody. Thus, the secret of real happiness is accepting what we are in life and making out the best of it every day.
This article is all about what it takes to have real happiness regardless of what we have or do not have in life.

Learning From My Failure And From Others' Success

Recognizing our failures in life is very important in the learning process. Once we are able to reflect in our own mistakes, we are also able to appreciate the success experienced by others. We learn from our mistakes if we admit that we made it. Self-denial and blaming others for our failures will not help us except if we admit them and be responsible for the consequences of our actions. We can learn from our failures by not complaining. Admission makes learning possible. Brilliant people admit mistakes easily and then move forward to achieve goals. Setbacks in life is unavoidable. Even the richest and successful men on earth are not exempted to experience drawbacks in life. What's missing in many people's beliefs about success is the fact that the more challenging the goal, the more frequent and difficult problems will be. The higher our ambitions in life, the more reliant we are you on our ability to overcome and learn from our mistakes. However, admitting mistakes is very difficult. In fact, learning from our mistakes need us to put ourselves in situations where mistakes are inevitable, have the self-confidence to admit them and be courageous enough to face them and make changes. In my case, I made mistakes that have complicated causes and outcomes. Just like my decision to get married even if my parents did not approve my husband. This tough decision had a bad outcome because my marriage failed. But the good thing there was that I faced the challenge bravely. I was able to overcome my depression, learnt from my mistakes and then moved on with life. Then, I read inspirational books especially success stories. I learned that before they reached their goal, they really experienced many setbacks and trials in life. The bottom line was that they did not quit. They made these problems as their motivation to succeed. So, if they can do it, why can't I? Moreover, once we are able to recognize the problem, we can avoid doing similar mistakes. But sometimes people are stupid. They keep on doing the same without learning from them. Making mistakes require significant changes to avoid doing again. But since change is not easy to admit, we often suffer through the same mistakes again and again instead of making the crucial changes needed to avoid them. As a matter of fact, the mistakes we make define us. The more interesting and challenging the mistakes are, the more interesting life can be because we spent more time in learning from bigger mistakes. But if we habitually make stupid mistakes, there is no learning at all. Thus, refusing to acknowledge and accept our mistakes or tendencies to do the same kinds of mistakes is a refusal to acknowledge reality. This is the fact of life that each of us has no excuse. What we just need to do is admit that despite our imperfections, we still have a chance to make a change in our lives and make a difference.
I write this article because I want also to become an inspiration to others. Mistake is inevitable, so we have to admit it and then learn from it to avoid doing the same

The Essentials Of A Good Relationship

There are many successful relationships even if there are also some who failed. What really are the essentials of a good relationship? Allow me to share my perspectives. First, HONESTY is very important in a relationship to grow. It's never a good move to lie even if you are already offended, you will just pretend that everything is okay. When you're not honest, it can create major trust issues that could hinder the success of a relation even with your friends or even with your family. A relationship built on trust and honesty is indestructible. Second, HEALTHY COMMUNICATION is also very important. You have to be open with your partner. Every time something bothers you, find time to talk it out and then discuss it constructively with your partner. Focus on the solution of the problem rather than on the argument that it may cause. Third, COMPROMISE. Each partner should be prepared to meet half-way. There should be fairness and equality in the family. Matured people are willing to make a BARGAIN in order to have harmonious relationship because they trust that the other will do the same when it is their turn to make a compromise. Fourth, UNDERSTANDING. Coming from different family culture is very difficult to bridge when you are already together. What needs to be done is to understand that you only meet when you are already grownups. Trying to have a broad mind is also a good ingredient to have a healthy relation. Finally, the ability to create an EMOTIONAL INTIMACY. Intimacy here is not only purely physical; though sexual intimacy is also necessary for the love to grow. A simple word of thought cherish the feeling of LOVE. It makes you feel pleased, wanted and appreciated. APPRECIATION is very important in building emotional intimacy because no matter what you do, if your partner does not know how to acknowledge your achievements either small or big, that's the end of the relationship. What destroys a relationship is for the partner to always want to have the LAST TALK. What strengthens a relationship is the willingness to LISTEN. Any conflict will be settled immediately when each partner will give each other a chance to be HEARD. It is always a give and take process. It is also important to say SORRY but what matters most is the acceptance of the apology. Saying SORRY again and again without changing for the better is just like a cycle that would create a resentment; thereby destroying a relationship. This article talks about what I thought are the essentials of a successful relationship. When a relationship is only one-sided, it's very difficult to keep it.

When I Feel Frustrated

Trying to ignore what we feel about something makes us feel frustrated because we are not satisfied with our effort. We feel unfulfilled and if left unchecked it would eventually lead to depression. The feeling of frustration resulted from not being able to satisfy our needs, wants and desires in life. When we feel that we are out of control of the things happening in our lives, then we feel unhappy. We feel insecure and uncertain because we are afraid to face our fears. When we are in pain, we usually give up our hopes and dreams. It is easier to give up something that we are not struggling to get than continue to find ways to succeed. This should not be the case because persistence is very important during difficult times. In the event of crisis our perseverance would be our anchor to succeed. If we fail, it doesn't mean that it is already the end of the world. We just have to try harder in order to reach our goal and get what we want in life. Frustration is a feeling of disappointment or anger for not being able to get one wanted. When I am upset, usually I just keep silent and write everything I feel because I am not the violent type who would shout or throw things just because I am angry. I also cry to release all the negative feelings I have inside. But sometimes too much frustration can lead to depression. When I am trying to solve a problem, I get so wrapped up in trying to find a solution. Sometimes having many options is easy but there are also times that I am having headache just to find one alternative. There are even times that I spend my whole time worrying what would happen if I cannot do it. But once I am able to move forward, I also realize that there is no sense worrying at all. It is very important to have a positive mental attitude. When we are mentally drained, we make things appear worse than they usually are. We just need to take a break to reflect. We can understand that our frustration will just pass because a positive mind is more open to see solutions and answers than those being close-minded and feeling hopeless. When we feel that there is no hope, we stop looking for remedies because we feel that it is already useless. So, we always need to stay POSITIVE. So, to end up my frustrations in life, I relax and unwind for a while until such time that I am able to get back in track again to find new solutions to meet my unfulfilled needs.

The most beautiful things in life:

The best and most beautiful things in the world are the things that we cannot see or even touch. They must be felt with the heart. If we haven't found them yet, we have to keep on looking. The most beautiful things are those things that teach us lessons to survive and move on with life. Often, we miss these things because we fail to see the beauty of simplicity. We are blinded with worldly ways and material things. It is how we live our lives to the fullest. Each day of our lives, we are given a new chance at life which make it beautiful. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we won't let the world define us based on our physical attributes but on what God meant us to be. We can transform the world beginning with our own transformation. Starting with a good conversation with our fellow and being a good listener, we can make our lives beautiful. The thought that we are able to make other people happy in easing their burdens by simply listening to them when they open up to us is already a great sense of achievement. Sometimes it is also the other way around. When we find someone who is willing to sit and take the time to talk with us, we know we have found a good friend. Good conversations teach us to make time for others, sharing moments of goodness and creating long-lasting bonds. We are becoming emphatic not selfish. A life of peace and contentment is not visible to the naked eye, however it can be deeply felt within us. It cannot be bought but achieved. Expectations often lead to disappointment, but accepting what we have right now is one way of making our lives beautiful. It's good to be responsible in making decision but it is also good to take a risk even if it will lead to a big mistake. Last but not least is love. It is the most beautiful thing in the world because it is the greatest thing that we can give to one another. Love has the power to bridge gaps and unite enemies but I think most of us know this. However, we get so caught up in shielding the finest of a good life that we failed to notice and appreciate the intangibles; the beauty of priceless possessions in life! This article is heart-warming to read because of the value of unseen things that make our lives beautiful. It makes our lives worth living for because we are not only keen to material things but most of all in those things that make us happy and contented.

The Most Effective Way Of Teaching Our Kids To Spend And To Save Money

When we already have kids on their early adolescent stage, it's very difficult to motivate them to be more compliant to us parents. During this period, our children are older and more mentally and physically mature. So, we expect them to be capable of doing simple house chores such as making their beds, washing dishes, sweeping the yard, putting away clean laundry and even cleaning the house. At this point, our kids even start learning how to cook. To top it all, we are teaching them to learn how to spend money wisely. Many parents choose to give children a small amount of money for completing certain chores. By doing this, children are taught how to spend and to save money at a relatively early age. We can help our children learn about spending and saving by setting a good example of the value of thriftiness and having discussions focused on this topic. For example, letting our kids know the cash flow of the family. Then, let them help on the budgeting. List the things that need to be bought. Allow them to see which is needed or not. Thus, we let our kids realize how to separate the needs from their wants. Children are most likely to learn and take to heart these important money-related skills and values when they see us actually doing these things rather than just talking about them. Therefore, it is useful if we can let our children see us in paying bills and going to the bank to save money, and setting up and following a budget, rather than hiding these activities from our children's view. We can also have a piggy bank at home. We can show them that no matter how tight our budget is, we still allocate a small amount for savings. Having a reserved fund helps a lot especially in cases of emergency. We also need to have an open and honest conversations with our children about money so that they can appreciate the fact on how the family gets money, and how that money is spent to provide food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, etc. By showing children that obtaining money requires hard work and a lot of effort, they will know how much money must be budgeted just to provide for the basics of life. Thus, parents can help children better appreciate the value of money so that they are less likely to waste it on useless things such as buying toys instead of food. Our kids may find it hard to appreciate what we go through just to provide them food and shelter. It may be easier for our kids to understand if money discussions are put into concrete terms children are more familiar with like spending money on a computer games. We can assist our children in understanding concepts like budgets by helping them set up their own budget. Thus, setting a good example still remains the most effective way of teaching our kids to be more responsible in spending and saving money.
This article speaks of the most effective way of teaching our kids to be more compliant and responsible.

Are men more intelligent than women:

What is intelligence indeed? Intelligence is actually the ability to perceive and retain knowledge or information. It is the intellectual capacity of humans to perceive, comprehend and understand. It enables humans to remember and gives humans the cognitive abilities to learn, to communicate and to experience and think. Is it true that men are more intelligent than women? According to some people men are more intelligent than women because they are more aggressive and decisive compared to women who always let their emotions dominate their minds. Aside from that there are many things that women cannot do especially in terms of hard labor. However, there are also some people who think that women are smarter than men particularly in decision-making at home. I am talking about how to budget to meet both ends. It is the woman who knows how to keep up the budget for the whole family. The role of man is to provide the needs of the family especially in terms of financial stability. But when talking about how to economize and stretch the budget, women are more intelligent in this area. Women are considered as wise spender compared to men, although there are some men who would argue to this notion because of their patriarchal nature. Men always wanted to have the final say especially at home. By doing so, they think that they are more intellectual and more powerful than women. On the other hand, women are considered as by nature emotionally weak. They cannot think straight when they are upset and they are too sentimental. They use their hearts more often than their heads because they show more concern for feelings of others. They are sensitive to what other feels although there are also some women who only think of themselves rather than on other significant people in their lives. But there are also some people who believe that men and women are equal not only in potential but also ability. Whatever men can do, women can also do especially now that men and women are given equal opportunity at work. Corporations nowadays are no longer headed by the male species. There are many women who are now leading the corporate worlds. It only shows that whatever men can do, women can also do. Thus, intelligence of men and women can no longer be measured by how high or how low is the IQ. It can now be determined through performance. Either men or women could be on top depending on how hard they work and how they persevere.
I write this article in order to lessen the status quo belief that men are smarter than women.

Importance of college education

In today's competitive world, education is a necessity. Importance of education for men & women is essential for bright future. Education play a vital role in the development & progress of country. Today education is very important for success. The success of development countries based on education. It opens many door of opportunity and allow us to explore every option available. Students who have completed their college education more likely to have more opportunities and better quality of life. Mostly, employers prefer to hire job-seekers who have college degrees. It is much easier for a person who finish college education to find a job and get promoted while on the job. A good education can be a way into a prosperous life. During the years of college a student will learn a profession(s) that will help them choose a career. College education is one of the best investments of time and money. That is why there are many preneed companies offering educational plans; for parents to plan the future of their kids before the need arises. It is a practical way of saving money for kids. Going back to the necessity of college education, people with college degrees are more self-disciplined and cooperative compared to those who are not. People who lack educational degrees have limited opportunities in life especially in terms of employment. College graduates most often have better benefits specifically in terms of entering higher-level careers with greater salaries. They are also the ones who receive promotions, salary raises and often given opportunities for professional growth and development. As a matter of fact, parents who are college graduates are more likely to raise children who will also have college degrees. The more education the child gets, the more choices and opportunities he/she will have. An educated person has more options, which often lead to greater success and happiness in life. Growth and development will occur in many areas, including decision-making, analytical awareness, reasoning, creative expression and more. Moreover, earning a college degree will greatly enhance your marketability as a professional. It makes you more marketable to a much greater range of lucrative career options. By earning a degree provides access to professional networking opportunities that are inaccessible to those who do not have college degrees. Furthermore, college graduates are typically more satisfied with their careers than individuals with a high school diploma because they are able to find higher paying careers, get into positions with job advancement opportunities, get hired by employers that provide generous benefits and able to work in fields and industries that interest them. It also leads to job stability because the unemployment rate among college graduates is considerably lower compared to the unemployment rate among employees with only a high school diploma. Thus, earning a college degree enables people to make better choices of their lives not only in having better job opportunities but also in launching new business.
I want to emphasize here the value of education especially in earning a college degree to meet the challenges of the 21st century not only about career choices but also concerning the reality of life.


Failure happens. It happens all the time, to everyone, and sometimes can have a bad effect on us depending on the way we react to it. Failure, like many other things, is something we have got used to through the years. To some it has become a lifestyle, an ingrained habit we just can’t break if we don’t have the right mind set. The greatest example, when it comes down to failure, is the American inventor Thomas Edison. He failed more than 10,000 times (I am still amazed at that number!) before he created the light bulb. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. In fact, our knowledge is not enough, we need to apply what we have learned and willingness is not enough, we need to act. Problems are part of our lives. We need to be confident, start where we are, use whatever resources we have and do the best we can to succeed. Hard work, dedication, and the determination to achieve something can give us satisfaction. Success is not the key to happiness but the happiness is the key to success. If we love what we are doing, then we are successful. Success is not about money or material wealth, but more on sense of satisfaction. It is the process of undergoing failure to failure without even losing enthusiasm. If we want to make things better, then we are the only person we can rely on to fix our problems. Whatever happens, life is a matter of choice. Everybody deserves a second chance. We need to forgive and forget. Everything happens for a reason. Nobody is perfect. We commit mistakes every now and then. But it does not mean that we are bad. We learn from our mistakes. It is about giving ourselves a chance to get over our problems and move forward.

Time Management

Time is something that we can lose and never get back. People are always wishing they had more hours available in the day. Proper time management is something that can change our life on a fundamental basis for the better. Every daily cycle consists of a twenty-four hour period. This is one of those things that is what it is and cannot be changed. Even though we can’t control time, we can control how the time you have is used. This realization is the first step to being effective in your own time management.  Time management is important to everyone. It is the process of planning control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially in terms of increasing effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. So we have to manage time to develop our skill and thereby to reach our goal. It is how we plan our time effectively in order to accomplish certain goals or how do we spend our time on things that matter to us more. It is also how we learn to break down general tasks into specific actions or a simple tasks. Time management is setting our priorities in its proper perspective. We should learn how to distinguish between urgent and important in budgeting our workloads. In order to manage our time, we need to know how to plan, set goals, prioritize tasks, and monitor where our time actually goes. However, time management is not as easy as it seems because sometimes it is rather surprisingly difficult to practice. In fact, being busy does not always mean being effective. Sometimes people are hustling too much without achieving any output at all. The problem is on the ability to function more effectively despite tight pressures. Failing to manage time effectively can have some very unsatisfactory fallout such as inefficient work flow, poor work quality, and high stress levels. If we are able to have good time management, we can avoid unwanted consequences especially at work. Even inside our family, we can easily achieve our goals and the things that we prioritize in life. We need to identify what needs to be done. Moreover, we need to identify how we spend our time in order to improve productively. We need to find enough time for everything and use it effectively. Even if there are times that we thought that there isn't enough, time to do everything that we need to. We need to identify ways to improve our time management skills so that we can adjust our conventional behavior to reduce any time-related stress in life.  When we spend too much of our time on unimportant tasks; definitely we are not effective. In order to be effective, we need to decide what tasks are urgent and important. We can make a list of the tasks that we need to do. We need to make decisions immediately if possible. Do what we can do now and not wait for tomorrow because taking immediate action generates the motivation for further actions.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

My learnings

Chapter 10: Elaboration -How to develop your flow of thought from sentence to sentence.

Words combine to form images, then images combine to form the sentence, sentence combined to form the core ideas and this is elaboration. The process of elaboration is explained here. 
Grammar is the tool we use to tie all our ideas together. Process of developing flow of thought from sentence to sentence is called as elaboration. It involves 3 steps: choosing the core idea, choosing the way we want to elaborate it, choosing the way we are going to bridge it into core idea. 
            There are 2 ways of elaborating the sentence: 
  1.  Reason why.
  2. Narrative sequence. 

New things that I have learnt from this chapter: 
1. I learnt that even if the sentences are long/short the sentences should be understandable to reader.
2. I learnt that narrative sequence is the most common elaboration structure used. 
3. I learnt that we have to keep our first definition has simple as possible.
4. How is it summarized.
5. How is it transferred to write core idea.
6. Goal of the process should be mentioned in the beginning
Things that I already knew about this chapter 
1. I knew If we are dealing with complicated process that requires number of short, separate steps. 
2. I knew Process of developing flow of thought from sentence to sentence is called elaboration.
3. I knew that logic consists of facts. 
Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter 
1.I was watching T.V. while solving this chapter.
2. Took lot of time to solve all questions.
3. I used mobile phones while solving chapter.
4. I didn’t concentrated while reading the chapter.
Correcting blog posts using this chapter 
I can change my blog by using learning points of this chapter and elaborating my thought by using a general rule of this chapter.
Future use in other subjects.
This can help me in exams in writing theory subjects. Even in final year projects I can learn a lot from it. It can help me in writing anything which is needed in our day to day life.

Chapter 9: How to use the clarity principle to build with, Symbolism, and suspense into your writing.
This chapter showed what is wit, symbolism and suspense and how to build it into our writing. It also showed how to use clarity principle. Only when we make it clear our purpose of communication is met.
New things I learnt 
1. I came to know that multiple meanings were called pivot words. 
2. There are 3 types of pivots – Wit, Pun, Suspense. 
3. I learnt that by using clarity principle we can add style to our writing, we can influence people, we can have fun also deep emotions. 
Things that I already knew about this chapter 
I knew how to correct sentences that contains ambiguity. 
Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter 
I made minor error while solving this chapter. 
Correcting blog posts using this chapter 
I can correct my blog posts by adding multiple meanings to the words by using the 3 types of pivots- Wit, Pun and Suspense which can surely give spice to my blog even I can make it more funny or emotional.

Chapter 8: This chapter mainly says how to write sentence clearly
This chapter talks about how one can remove ambiguity in a sentence and start writing clearly 
New things learnt 
1. I learnt that without picture words your sentences are empty. 
2. Without connecting words they are misunderstood. 
Things that I already knew about this chapter 
1. One thing I knew about this chapter is that when we write something we should not confuse the reader. 
2. I knew that we have to write simple sentences so that people can understand what we have written. 
3. I knew the meaning of clear which means- A picture word or phrase is clear when it has one possible meaning in the sentence. 
Corrections in blog writing 
I can write my blog in such a way that it is easy for people to understand the concept. 
Applying to other subject we can apply this concept in our subjects while writing exams because corrector shouldn’t be confused of what we have written. Plus while speaking to somebody we have to be as clear and simple as possible because the listener shouldn’t understand it differently.

Chapter 7: How to avoid monotony-so that your reader enjoys your sentence at the same time that he or she learns from them.
This is about avoiding monotony. In this chapter we make the sentences repetitious and short and transform them into longer sentences which is still understood by the reader. 
New things learnt
1. I learnt when monotony occurs.
2. I came to know that forward signalling connectors are 1st cousins of dependent connectors. 
Things that I already knew about this chapter 
I knew only a few concepts about this chapter. 
Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter 
I found some difficulties solving the 5st question and even the 9thone. 
Writing blog posts using this chapter.
I can correct my blog by breaking the overlong sentences and transform into a shorter one. 
Applying to other subjects 
I can use this while writing exams I can make long sentences into a shorter one and make more sentences out of them. I can use this in all the subjects.

Chapter 6: How to write in simple terms -so that anyone can understand your most complicated thoughts
The main idea in this chapter is that if we meet any complicated thought then first we have to separate them then we have to add connectors to it to make it simpler. 
New things learnt 
1. I learnt to separate the images in the sentences and then add connector to it. 
2. I learnt that we have to make use of many connectors as possible to link sentences. 
3. I came to know that repetition is a vital tool in eliminating overloaded sentences. 
Things that I already knew about this chapter 
In this chapter I was introduced to new concepts.
Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter 
I made some minor errors while solving problems. 
Applying to other subjects 
This can be used for any subjects while writing especially even in talking this can be used. Overloading most of the things in one sentences will make it difficult for understanding. 

Chapter 5: How to choose the right length for your sentences
In this chapter we learn to get the right length i.e. the number of words for a sentence with simplicity and clearness. 
New things learnt 
I learnt that any sentences long or short must have a connector. 
Things that I already knew about this chapter 
1. I knew what we say or write must be understood by everyone. 
2. I knew that sentences can be of any length. 
Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter 
Few errors have occurred while completing exercises of this chapter. 
Writing blog posts using this chapter 
If there is any long sentences in my blog then I can make it shorter so that people can understand clearly and also when the ideas are complicated. By this way I can change my blog 
Applying to other subjects 
I can apply this to my subjects by writing small sentences if ideas are complicated then I can use it. It can help me in writing assignments, Summary of case studies, may be in Resume

Chapter 4: How to link sentences together
This chapter is all about connecting the first sentence to your second sentence. It also tells what are the types of connector, which we can use after each sentence. How to use them, what are its importance Etc. There are mainly 3 kinds of connector. We can use two or more of them. But we must use at least one such type of connector.
New things learnt 
1. I learnt that we must not put too much details in a sentence. 
2. I learnt what is condensing connector. 
3. I learnt that condensing connectors do not have to be used alone to link 2sentences together. 
Things that I already knew about this chapter 
1. I knew putting much detail into a single sentence the listener will surely not follow me. 
2. Pausing after every sentences. 
Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter 
I have made too many mistakes while solving condensing connector sentences. 
Blog posts using this chapte
From this chapter I can correct my blog by making them condensing continually. i.e., Condensing connector is a single word from a thought and uses that word in the next sentence. From then I carry forward my views into a bigger picture.
Applying to other subjects 
I can surely use this in all the subjects mainly while writing reports, assignments. I can use this while talking to people also. 

Chapter 3: How to build understanding into every sentence
This chapter shows us how to put our picture word and connecting word together to make image and images together to make a sentence. Our reader or listener cannot memorize the same words which we used in our sentences because human beings don’t have tape record understanding they have only image understanding. When we say some sentences to others they will automatically convert that words into their own convenient images and when they have to transit it to other they translate that image into convenient words. Two or more people share the same image but they use different words to express it.
New things learnt 
1. I learnt that when you speak to somebody the other person should be able to get through images 
2. I learnt that when we study new we have to understand it through images not by memorising.
3. I learnt that understanding is image sharing. 
4. I learnt that we should not speak too fast. 
5. I learnt that we have to frame as small sentences as we can but clear. 
6. Not interrupting one image with another. 
Things that I already knew about this chapter 
1. Making one understand while speaking is the motive that I already knew. . 
2. I knew that we have to pause after every sentence we speak. 
3. I knew memorizing too many words at one time is not easy. 
Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter 
Removing the block from a sentence was difficult.
Writing blog posts using this chapter 
We take each sentence has an image and too much of it will make it worse. So I can surely make some corrections from my blog by cutting down more of my big sentences into a smaller one .So I came to know that creating more of images in a sentence is not good. It is difficult for one to understand it. 
Applying to other subjects 
We can use this idea while speaking to people. For subjects I can use this in exams, blog writing, while writing resumes and many more.

Chapter 2: How to put two words parts together
In this chapter three steps are involved to make our idea clear to other or to communicate with other. A person will have number of thoughts with him; he cannot express all of them together to other. First we should decide picture words and connecting words and then it should be put together in such a manner that other can easily understand it without any confusion. Giving pause is very important between our communications
New things learnt 
1.      I learnt that to frame a sentence we have to picture the idea say like a boat a river then we have to know the connecting words say like of, off, the etc. By this picturing the view as well as connecting words we should frame a sentence. 
2.      When talking to somebody our main intention is to convince somebody, so there has to be a pause at the end of each sentence. 
3.      I learnt that we can form sentences starting with if, of off, up etc. 

         Things that I already knew about this chapter.
1.      I knew giving pause in between our communication is very necessary because others can understand clearly what we are saying, if we go on speaking without any pause, confusions may arise in minds of listener.
2.      2. When the thought is clear, direct, it needs no other connecting words to make it perfectly clear.

Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter 
There were some difficulties that I faced when framing a sentences so I had to discussed with my friends.
Correcting blog posts using this chapter 
By this chapter one learns how to frame sentences through connecting words as well as picturing image. 
Applying to other subjects 
I can apply this concepts to write blog and also in writing assignments so that I don't got any dramatically errors. It may help me in writing exams.

Chapter 1: The Two Main Parts of Grammar.
The first chapter says us to forget everything about grammar which is taught to us in our school level. Noun, verb pronouns never make the sense. It will not help us to put our thoughts into the sentences. In all languages there will be only 2 working parts
New things learnt 
1. The 1st thing that I learnt was to forget everything that I learnt from about grammar. I came to know that there are only 2 main parts of grammar those are Picturing word and connecting word.
2. A picturing word is a word that carries a built in picture within it. 
3. A connecting word is a word that connects a picturing word. 
Things that I already knew.
1. Picture that comes to our mind when we hear the picture word is different from picture that comes to other’s mind. 
2. We see nothing when we hear any connecting words. 
3. Some picture words carries with it more than one kind of picture. 
Mistakes that I made while solving the questions 
1.      I was not able to understand certain questions.
2.      I could not able to think of answer to some of the questions.
Concept which is used to connect blog posts. 
I actually didn't use picture in my blog posts. But now I think I can correct it by using the concept of Picturing word as well as the connecting words. 
Applying in other subjects.
I can apply this mainly while writing assignments because there will be lot of mistakes. In Marketing there is an assignment of blog writing so i can use these 2 concepts.