Monday, November 9, 2015


The definition of success differs from one person to another. Most people work hard throughout their lives to achieve success. That might mean acquiring an education, being able to take care of one’s family, achieving a life’s ambition, or making money. It is not uncommon to hear people confess that the people whom they thought were very successful in life turned out to be rather miserable. Some of the individual who are successful especially when measured in terms of material wealth are often afraid of other people trying to take advantage of them.
When one is looking for success, one should concentrate on one’s strengths rather than pursuing goals in those areas where they are likely not to enjoy a certain degree of achievement. There are many areas in one’s life that are generally considered important. These include the self, business, family, environment, material things, community, work, spiritually, business, and friends. In order to be truly successful, one needs to balance each of these areas. It is rather obvious that these areas cannot be of equal importance to everyone, and this is why people tend to work towards being successful in some areas in their lives while neglecting the other areas. It is, however, not a good idea to ignore any of these parts even though it is important to set priorities.
“Failures are our best teachers, they are the mirrors who show us our real face”. Every successful man fails at some time. Failures not only tell us  about our  weaknesses, shortcomings, lack of analyzing things properly, lack of competitiveness, lack of preparations, lack of efforts, but also give us encouragement to try again with more preparations, with more labour and with more hard work. Failures are the stepping stones to success.  So if you can manage to learn from failures, you will definitely reach where you started out to go.  Making a mistake is not a crime, the ability to learn from it contribute to lasting success. Extract the lesson to be learnt from failure and try again with redoubled vigor. Facing failure make one strong, more wise and more resolute, spur them on to greatest efforts. There is no failure in truth save from within; unless we are beaten there, wear we are bound to succeed.One who try, is always the better than the one who dare not to try, only a person who dares to try can have a chance of success. Blessed are those, who once failed, is a saying worth to follow. It means that the failures make us capable to evaluate our shortcomings and purge us to reach the higher ideals, higher planks.
Abraham Lincoln failed very many times in his life, but never got frustrated and fought with more determination, with full devotion and became the President of America. Indian freedom fighters including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Lal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel, saw face of failures not once but several times, but never daunted or became desperate they all had fought to attain the sacred goal of attaining freedom, and as a result, they attained it.Nothing that comes too easily is worth satisfying? When you want to succeed, be ready to pay the price for it, which include braving failures and setbacks and keep persistent with your efforts till the goal is achieved. Mere talking idle, day dreaming or aimless drifting will not take you to goal, but only divert your attention and dissipate your energy and strength. Hardships, obstacles, failures are the various moments in the way of success. They are not to be evaded but to face them bravely, courageously and with double vigor.
A Child can seldom learn to walk, without making sustained and sincere efforts in the process tumbling and falling down a number of times. His failure never deter him to stop standing again. The doggedness in the child’s resolve lies in making any number of attempts to stand up and walk whatever be the pain or fear of fall.
The failures are the real path-indicators of success. The failures give us clues to rectify our mistakes and tell us how to club our efforts in the right direction so that we get success one day positively. So failures are the pillars of success, stepping stones to success.Nothing motivates like success. Nothing teaches like failure…And you need both to go up in life.
From young age, failure is my co-passenger in the journey towards growth. I have met with lot of failures in my school days from the angle of studies, sports, making friends and reputation with teachers. In X Standard, I used to fail in all the major subjects like English, Maths, Science and social science. But, from god’s blessings during my final exam I cleared all the subjects and was promoted to PUC. Till then I never realized the importance of education. I formed a small group of friends in school, it was interacting and being with them I learned the basic etiquettes of life. Things slowly started changing from PUC. I have never failed even in a single subject in any kind of an exam till today. I honestly believe that it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a total success doing something that you hate.It is very necessary to work hard to achieve success. But psychologists say that if we love our work, we will never find it hard. There is no substitute for hard work. At the same time, there should be a purpose and a noble goal at which to aim and advance. We must decide our aim in life or what we want most out of our life and then constantly work for it.The early attempts towards the goal of success are the hardest. The more our efforts get success, the easier it becomes to do so. In the end it becomes our habit. Then success follows success. Nothing is impossible to a man who has a purpose and the perseverance to persist with it. Self-confidence, courage and strong will power are necessary to get success.Fortune favours the brave. There is no gain without taking risk. So success is not a matter of luck, it depends on firm determination and full preparation.
I do believe that people can obtain qualities of both failure and success. Everyone has encountered failures and successes in lives but why are we blaming God if we encounter failure? Do you blame Him if you encounter success?  Of course not. We always keep asking ourselves "Why me? Why am I a failure? What did I do wrong?" It seems like failure become hindrance in continuing your gorgeous life but how can we turn failure into success.
 In this world, people experience success and failure in life. It is a reality that is needed to be accepted in order to be prepared in facing the world. Making you realize that our life is full of fantastic mysteries and life is boring without success and failure. Failure can be found in the four corners of the world anytime and anywhere. it may also attack you, whether you like it or not. You can experience it which can make your life really miserable but you need to be tough and ready to face it when you are in a downfall. Facing it will help you a lot in surviving those failures and do not forget to pray and talk to God for giving you an opportunity to become a stronger and better person. Failure acts as a door  to open the next chapters of your life. I believe that turning the next page of the book helps to continue your life rather than closing it, do nothing and escape away from it. Just believe in yourself that no matter what happens God is willing to help you and He is always with you, think win-win.
 Also, failure gives knowledge and it also educates us. It teaches us on how to be burly. We may cry on one's shoulder and we can share our problems with them and also we promise to them that we will fight and stand up. Failure motivates us to pursue our dreams, when we fail to get high grades, we are more determined to study well because of the failure that we already encountered. It is also a fact that we can make failure as a growing experience. Even a seemingly definitive failure can prompt fresh thinking, a change in direction. Failure makes one free to take risks because there's less to lose. Often it brings a resurgence of energy, an awareness of new possibilities.
 What seems like failure now may later prove beneficial. We often assume that everyone is either a success or a failure. The truth is that infinitive degrees of both are possible. God gives a trial for us to become burly, it is a not a hindrance in our success because we can turn failure into success if we want to.

(source:personal as well as internet source)

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