Sunday, November 8, 2015

My Mother

My mother is the most important person in my life.  The problem is, I cannot really express how I feel about her in just words. My mother is not my whole life, but she is a really big part of it. My whole world does not only revolve around her, but she is the most influential person who inspires me. My mother is the most important person in my life. She is an inspiration to everything I do. I would not call her a friend, but she is an extraordinary person. She has been in my life since I was born and she will always be in my life no matter what happens. She is the one who has suffered to bring me into this world. I have learnt to love her from the day I was born. My mother was the first person to teach me to draw and walk, and she was with me when I took my first step ever! She has taught me to believe in people and not to have grudges against one another. She always encouraged me to go along when I was ready to give up. She makes sure that I was safe and happy throughout my childhood. It is the unconditional love that my mother  feels that drives these feelings.

I know her very well, and I had learned to love her since the day we first met. Relatives always tell me stories about my birth. They tell me how important I was to my mom. I was the foundation of her joy, strength, peace and love. She has never lied to me about my father. She was always straightforward. She explained things very simply, like she knew everything.  I thank her for telling me the truth.She has taught me all I need to know to live life.  She taught me how to feel. Well, she did not only do that. She showed me how to handle these feelings of anger, fear, guilt, joy, sadness, excitement, hate and anxiety. She also showed me how to give and take. I learned from her that giving is a lot harder  than taking, but the former is much more satisfying when it is done. She told me that giving makes one happy. I am sure she is right because half of her life, she has been giving me and my brother and sister what we need, and in spite of all that years of giving, she is happy. Though very slowly, I am learning how to give freely.
It is hard to describe the feeling that a mother has towards her children.  Describing a mother's love is virtually impossible. It is a feeling that can only truly be understood by those that experience it.

Famous saying states that "God could not be everywhere and so he invented mothers"!She has taught me to always try my best, to treat everyone equally, to not give up when things get hard. She tells me to at all times be honest because in the end, lies always hurt more.  When I make decisions and she doesn’t always agree with them, she makes sure that I know that she is behind me all the way because she wants me to always be happy. She has taught me right from wrong and the significance of self-respect. She taught me everything from how to eat healthy and dress myself, to how to react to any situation. I would be lost without my mother, I can trust her, and she’s really important to me. My mother is my security blanket. No matter how bad of a day she had, she will always be there to listen to me. No one loves us like our mothers, no one is willing to sacrifice everything for us like our mothers. If someone asks you “Who is the best woman in your life ?”, I bet you will say it is my mother. And if someone asks me like that, my answer also is my mother.
With me, my mother is the best woman in the world. No one can replace her in my heart.  I admire my mother, I don’t know why she is always busy with daily chores, taking care of my family but she never say she is tired. Every day, she is the first person in my family, who wakes up very early. Then, she makes breakfast  for our family and chores then she go to work for a company and return at later. After the dinner, my mom washes the dishes. Sometimes, I ask her to help, but she says: “It is fine, you should go upstairs and do your homework”. Mom always wake up very early, and Mom is the last person can take a break after a busy day. I realize that without my Mom, my father and I cannot have the clean house, the delicious meal and the clothes which always iron straight. Mom gives me and my brother and sister all her love.
She loves us more than herself. Her love for us is great like the ocean, the universe and nothing can replace it. Making my mother cry is the worst thing, but I did. My mother didn’t know anything until my school had a parents conference. She was shocked when she saw my report. My grade was going down. She asked me why my grade went down, I was quiet and looked at her. It seemed like my mother knew the reason why. She was quiet, stared at me and sign.
Suddenly, I saw tears from her eyes, she cried. She told me many times that I should concentrate on studies, I needed to focus on studying, but I ignore her advice. When she cried, I felt so sorry and guilty. I wasn’t brave enough to looked at her. Then I came to her slowly, hugged her and said: “I was sorry, mom. I knew that I had made a big mistake. I felt so sorry. Mom, please forgive me. I promised that I wouldn’t do this again. I was so sorry. I made you cry.” And she hugged me tight, she whispered: “How couldn’t I forgive you ? I was just a little disappointed, but I knew, you would know how to fix your mistake, I love you.” I cried after she said that, just a bit, but I did cry.
Mom, you gave me everything but you never ask me to pay back. You are the best, the greatest woman in this world and in my heart. I love you forever. I am happy when I have you by my side to take care of me, to protect me and to give me your love. I am happy when I am your daughter. In the future. I will be an successful adult in life and I can take care of myself. But in my mother’s eyes, I know that I am always her little daughter as I was. Love you mom, Love you so much.

(source:personal as well as internet)

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